i do have a nationwide account which i did plan to use for the holiday as its normally very good. However, on saturday, 8 days before my flight, i incorrectly entered my pin 3 times and the machine kept my card, the bank said come back on monday with ID but they have lost the card!!!! so it looks like im gonna have to use my lloyds tsb account?
Any help would be welcomed :) only 5 more days and no money lol
What bank cards are accepted in phuket??
You can use any debit card at the cashpoints. Lloyds will probably charge you though - I hear that Nationwide do not.
What bank cards are accepted in phuket??
you should be able to use any card- make sure you notify your bank before you go so they dont think its been pinched and cancel it.
make sure you have a pin on your card too- and australian cards can only access the %26#39;savings%26#39; button so make sure you dont have your account on the %26#39;cheque%26#39; button. dont know about cards issued outside australia though...(i work in an aussie bank)
im taking cash (aud and thb)- you can exchange on almost any corner.
only going to use credit in major shops and hotels if i have to.
most banks will stop credit cards on your return- just in case, so its an idea to ahve a 2nd card so any direct debits wont be disturbed.
is it safe to take all of it in cash? im taking £2000????
You can always use you cards in %26#39;banks%26#39; as opposed to using the streetside and other ATM machines.
Go into any bank and ask for cash on your card.
This is the old fashion way, they put you card into the machine, press the buttons and print out the paper which you sign ( you need to show them ID, as a visot i.e Passport ) and they hand you the cash, so no pin number required.
So no need to have to use ATM machines, as long at it has a Visa/mastercard logo on it any bank will run that through. This is how it worked pre ATM days but you can still do it.
Any %26#39;decent%26#39; bank should be able to get you a card %26#39;overnight%26#39; at the longest and should be immediate if you go to the bank! They should surely vcancel that card and simply give you another one ( I would have thought )
In Thailand I can get a new card in about 10 minutes by going to my bank direct.
I believe a mix of cards ( at least 2 in case one gets scratched or system down, preferably from different issuers ), Traveller checks/cheques are always handy, you can keep them for years, and years, they remain valid. Plus cash.
I would add to that tip that sometimes ATM machines ( anywhere in the world ) need some thought when using, sometimes a queue, sometimes sunlight can make a little difficult, anything like like just pop inside the bank ( if there are service desks go to them as against the cashier lines ) with a smile and card in hand. I am probably old fashioned but I never worry having bank staff %26#39;run-though%26#39; the card, nothing worse than a machine %26#39;eating your card%26#39; and the stress that follows.
If your bank cannot %26#39;sort out%26#39; a card for you in 48 hours max, I would change your bank !
If you are worried about using ATM%26#39;s in the street, the banks in Phuket at shopping centres eg Jungceylon or Central, had ATM machines next to them. There were also ATM%26#39;s in other parts of the shopping centres. We used the ones in the street, no problems, except as mentioned, sometimes the sun made it hard to see the screen.
Also, make sure when you withdraw you are not making a ';cash advance'; from your credit card, or you will be slugged with larger fees and interest on the total amount owing (not just your cash advance) from day one of your statement, i.e. no interest free period at all.
My debit cards with Visa and MasterCard affiliations work in Thailand. Some cards have big fees for ATM withdrawals - some banks or credit unions pays your ATM fees. Shop around if you travel overseas a lot. Many credit unions pay for your ATM charges - even overseas! To cut down on fees take out the maximum you can and you won%26#39;t waste fees on low value withdrawals. You can change any left over Thai baht at the airport before you go home.
When I take cash out of an ATM I only use an ATM when their nearby bank is open. This way the bank employee can get the card back if it doesn%26#39;t come out for some reason. But - you have to notify your bank or credit union that you are overseas or the withdrawal may be denied! If you have more than 4 pin numbers or your pin has letters in it, change that pin number before you leave home. I can%26#39;t personally verify it but I read somewhere that SOME ATMs do not accept pins with more than 4 numbers.
Cash works, so do travelers checks. If you take travelers checks only bring the largest denominations because there is a 33 baht (1 US dollar) fee for cashing them. You don%26#39;t want to have a dollar fee for a 5 dollar travelers check! Some credit unions and banks sell travelers checks to their members free of charge - shop around! In Thailand you get a hair more in currency exchange when you use a travelers check. For US money larger bills ($100%26#39;s and $50%26#39;s) get a hair more than lower value notes.
When you bring a lot of cash use the safety box at your hotel to safeguard that cash and any other valuables. When you go out shopping only bring enough cash with you to see you through one or two days of shopping. If you run out get more cash from your hotel safety box or use an ATM and debit card. Have small bills available for paying taxi drivers and for cheap purchases, this way you won%26#39;t be flashing big bills around for some thief to see. If something shows up missing from your hotel room it could also be a fellow tourist who is the thief not just the hotel staff!
Good luck.
you can only get cash over the counter from a credit card or visa/ mastercard debit.
it is classed as a cash advance so any interest on credit cards is charged immidietly and usually at a higher interest rate. all %26#39;interest free periods%26#39; are forfited.
eftpos cards are not able to be debited over the counter if is not the same bank.
im taking a mixture
1x eftpos card to access my funds
2x credit cards (my usual card for emergencys and a seconary card for big purchaces, tours ect)
aussie dollars
and thai baht
im personally not a fan of travellers cheques- maybe ive worked in a bank too long- the behind the scenes of them is too fiddly
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