Yes, it%26#39;s nearly here and the excitement is building yaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!! actually i think i%26#39;m past excitement now......i do however have a question for you seasoned travellers out there, we are booked on the 09.05 Singapore Airlines flight out of Sydney, do i need to confirm anything prior or just rock up to the airport?? i%26#39;d hate to get there and find out there was something i should have done but didn%26#39;t....(my worst nightmare, getting there and being told mmm you didn%26#39;t do this so you can%26#39;t go, imagine that!!!!)
Thanks in advance,
This month, next week, 7 SLEEPS!!!!!!
Hey Debs... I was waiting for a new post from you.. .LOL...and you have not dissapointed me. 17 sleeps here for us and I am soooooooooooooooo excited also. As far as the airline, we have never had to confirm anything in the past. On our ticket it actually had confirmed typed on it. Our travel agent said there was no need to do anything except rock up at the airport and go.
This month, next week, 7 SLEEPS!!!!!!
You don%26#39;t need to confirm your booking, but I always do. SIA in Sydney ph# (02) 9350 0203
You can also check in on-line, choose your seat, and print your boarding pass at any time, if you like.
OMG Deb you have it bad girl hahah I too was wondering why you%26#39;ve been so quiet lately haha I think you need a T-Shirt with ';Deb from TA on tour'; ha ha how funny would that be.....Singapore are great we fly with them lots just make sure your at the airport in plenty of time which I believe in your case will be the night before the way your going haha..
Jacqui who has now 14 sleeps to goooooooo
Thanks for the info guys - yeah i was thinking of going on Tuesday - my other nighmare - crash on the M5, Tunnel Closed - oooooh noooo i missed my flight...our son is taking us to the airport and i%26#39;ve already told him he has to sleep over on Tuesday.. you know what they%26#39;re like %26#39;she%26#39;ll be right mate%26#39; i said noooooo she won%26#39;t be right you%26#39;ll sleep here so i can wake you up hahahahahaha. LOL the t-shirt - couldn%26#39;t do that, ppl would go oh no there%26#39;s that crazy woman from TA...oh well not long now (happy dance)!!!!!
Awww come on Debs, I love the idea of the T shirt I think it%26#39;s a great idea, good one Jaquii :)
And I agree with you with your son too, make him sleep over much easier. We are going with Thai Airways and our flight leaves at 23:59... what a time!!!
Ok girls settle down lol, not long now Deb, how exciting for you, yes make the boy sleep over for sure. (We have our tickets for next year - only 32 weeks, we leave 1st June lol)
That%26#39;s terrible Tink I couldn%26#39;t wait that long on the day i go - how%26#39;s that hey the verrrrry last minute of the day LOL...Guess what else i just realised? (sorry Tink - doesn%26#39;t apply to you) we all have one less hour to wait - daylight saving this weekend LOL see how crazy i am!!!!! how long are you going for next time Cath???
Hi Deb, Have booked for 3 mths again with a few side trips thrown in lol.
aawwww Cathy I am sooooooo jealous - i wish i could go for 3 months :( and BTW thankyou so much for all your advise and reviews and stuff, it has been soooo helpful in planning the trip :)
Oh and Tink, are you going to have a BDay party over there before i leave???? (wink wink) :)
Ohh Deb! I can feel the excitement from here! lol
You remind me of how I was last year as a first time Phuket traveler. Ohh so excited.
You made me laugh with the one less hour!
25 days for us and counting. I am trying to work hard each day so the days seem quicker. Not having much luck in that department though!
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