Saturday, April 21, 2012

19 Sleeps to go - Yeeeeee Haaaaaa

Hi All,

Just thought i%26#39;d share the love LOL picked up the travel doco%26#39;s last night, so it%26#39;s getting real now!! Still trying to educate the other half - he keeps telling me he needs to take 14 days worth of clothes and i keep telling him naaaa 2 or 3 days and we%26#39;ll buy the rest :):) %26#39;Phuket%26#39; here we come......Deb

19 Sleeps to go - Yeeeeee Haaaaaa

Hi we fly on thursday can not wait we had the best time last year mainly thanks to all the great tips from TA members have a brilliant time.and tell the other half to definatley only pack very very lightly.Take care have a great trip Andy

19 Sleeps to go - Yeeeeee Haaaaaa

Hey Debs, can you please show a little more excitement *wink*

Know how you feel, we got all our travel docs yesterday too, now it does seem so real. We have 29 sleeps to go and can%26#39;t wait!!!!



Hi Deb

Thanks for sharing - we have 23 sleeps to go - I cant wait, the hubby cant understand what all the fuss is about. Typical.

Have a wonderful time (we plan on it)and keep us posted.


Those 19 days will go so fast, I wish we only had that long to wait, we hate being home again lol.

Hope you all have a great holiday.


Now Deb! as the girls call me mum at work I have to ask. The clothing situation. I hope you are a small size and you pack the undies. lol

Me being larger mmmwah has to take at least 5 days of clothing. hehehehehe.

Deb, have a ball babe! n got to say.......Is it really a bad thing that hubby has no idea....heheeheheh.



Go you good thing Deb, and although trying to educate the uneducated can be an education within itself, it%26#39;s much more fun delivering the %26#39;told you so%26#39; speech ... live and let learn xxx


Tiff xxxxx

you guys are so cool, thank you so much for all your thoughts, as for the excitement trust me i%26#39;m holding back, i write things and when i read it back i delete half of it, i think OMG everyone will think i%26#39;m a nutbag and have never been out of the house before LOL....

Tink if you only have 29 (oops 28 now ;) we must still be there for a couple of days wen you get there, maybe that drink is possible...

MUM, i wish i was a small girl but alas i%26#39;m growing as we speak hehehehe - but i have noticed a couple of posts saying it is possible to find some clothes on the larger size so i%26#39;m praying LOL. but don%26#39;t worry i%26#39;ll stock up on the undies before i go :) and no your right it%26#39;s not so bad being the one that knows whats going on hehehehe and i don%26#39;t need to actually say %26#39;i told you so%26#39; i just break out in some stupid song LOL they get the message.

oops this is getting a bit long but i can%26#39;t go without saying KUDOS CATHY,,,i%26#39;m still reading through your lists getting all the latest and greatest things to do...Deb

Yay Deb how many sleeps now lol 22 for me..... I%26#39;ve got lists about lists I think lol...starting to think 2 weeks will not be enough :%26lt;( and I%26#39;m not even there yet how sad is other half packs ( I let him have his fun ) then I unpack and repack .......another one of those hewhothinkshesthebossbutis%26#39;nt haha

LOL I know the excitement! Only 9 more sleeps for me and it is going soooooooooo slowly. As for the clothes situation just take them in to a laundry and pick em up the next day ready pressed for not many pennies!

I%26#39;m so excited that i can%26#39;t even sit still long enough to even count how may sleeps left on my fingers! I think we have about 17? sleeps left and I couldn%26#39;t resist yelling out at work yesterday that %26#39;this time in 3 weeks I should be sitting on an elephant yeeehaaaa%26#39;.

Hewhothinkshesthebossbutisnt wants to take his aftershave with him - boy have I got news for him...... it%26#39;s being left out to leave more room for my shopping

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